= love
I'm starting a fun new tradition for this fall/winter football season. You may already know this about my hubby Mike but he lives for and loves NFL football and soup. If these things were available at all times for him he would be a happy guy so I'm doing my part to combine these loves of his and went ahead and made this into a challenge for myself. My challenge is to make a new soup every Sunday this football season. That means 17, count 'em, 17 soups! I'm 3 down so far. I am gladly accepting suggestions for future soup ideas! I am going to try not to repeat too often, but it wouldn't be the end of the world if I had to.
Week 1: Chicken Tortilla Soup (I created my own recipe which turned out delish!)
Week 2: Vegetable Beef Stew (I made 5 gallons in my favorite giant soup pot)
Week 3: Chili (my own classic recipe)