Monday, May 31, 2010

A year in the life of Xena

Xena was welcomed into our home one year ago last weekend which of course calls for a tribute blog post if you ask me. She has brought so much joy to our life and I am so thankful to have her to come home to everyday. I now know the truth behind the unconditional love a dog can bring into your life and I wouldn't have it any other way.

our first time meeting little Xena

bringing Xena home when she was 7 weeks old

Xena wiped out after her welcome home puppy party

Xena meets Uncle Angus (Mike's parents dog) for the first time- she thinks they are best friends...he isn't so sure about that

Xena grew up fast!

naughty girl got caught digging in the mud!

first time playing in the water at the Coralville Res

one of many destroyed toys...stuffed toys last about an hour max

Angus, Xena & Echo have a play date

Xena discovers snow for the first time and loves to play and stick her face in it

her first Christmas

Our little pup has come a long way in the last year and we capped it off with a Memorial Day camping trip with her. She got the chance to play more in the water and quickly became quite the swimmer- jumping off the rocks into the Res and fetching sticks- check out the video below.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Surprise Picnic

Last week Mike surprised me with a picnic- all packed and ready to go by the time I got home from work. Seriously, he did! I couldn't believe it either.
Who doesn't love a picnic? Well, does the fact that I have 3 picnic baskets tell you anything about me?
We took off for Palisades-Kepler State Park with our picnic backpack and Xena. We found a wonderful spot by the river and to my even greater surprise Mike had packed sushi for our dinner (this man does not eat seafood so it was spicy tuna for me and veggie for him) cheese & crackers, a decadent piece of cake to share and a bottle of wine. We explored and hiked a few trails, too. It was in a word, ideal. Thanks hubs- what wonderful surprise!