Sunday, October 10, 2010

Biting the Big Apple: Part 1

I've been working on this post since September, seriously. I've tried multiple times to upload a video and it never would successfully upload so I got frustrated and quit trying and have been ignoring the fact that I should just move on with this already! So here I am, moving on and finishing it already. So...last September we went to New York for the fabulous wedding of two friends Brooke & Ted (who we traveled to Mexico with earlier this year)- Mike was a groomsman in the wedding (Ted was one in ours, too). We arrived on a Wednesday and spent time enjoying Long Island where the wedding took place. We got to spend time with the couple and friends and even took in a fun round of golf.

The wedding was on Friday night and Mike and I both agree is was the most fab wedding we've been to (besides our own of course). The reception was at the same place we played golf earlier in the week and it was a beautiful old mansion. The food, people, was AMAZING. We both were embarrassed to admit that we thought the appetizers were the actual dinner- I mean they had a carving station and everything! So to our surprise we were seated for the actual dinner and though we weren't hungry we sure did enjoy even more delicious food (and signature cocktails and dessert plates and an ice cream bar!)
A hilarious and touching part of the reception were the speeches from the best men and maid of honor (I appreciate a good speech because let's not lie they are few and far between!) but the absolute best part was the bride's brother who is part of the NYPD bagpipe & drum band who surprised the couple by showing up and playing for them. These guys were amazing! We got chills it was so great and I would love to share a video of this but as previous mentioned that is apparently not going to happen. Anyways, we all danced around them and the bagpipes & drums and ended the reception in a large circle singing and swaying to New York, New York. The couple planned a fun casino after-party for all the guests at a nearby hotel which aptly got named "Casino Walsh" as Mike was dealing his own craps table til 3am...

Here ends Part #1.

Football Season has arrived

Even though the weather hasn't quite caught up with football season- it is full steam ahead in our household. Usually around this time of year I tell Mike that I'll catch up with him in February sometime after the Super Bowl- his obsession with all things PTI, Packers, Sportsbook, etc. take over all reality. To keep me sane and somewhat in touch I, again, have my own Fantasy Football team and again, to keep us fed and give me something to do on Sundays I'm attempting Soup Sundays again (a different pot o' soup every Sunday of the NFL season). I missed the first 2 Sundays but am back on track with chili & chicken noodle so far and teriyaki beef (todays).

Oh yes, and of course we are cheering on the Hawkeyes who I think are looking great this year.

The annual Iowa vs Iowa State rivalry was awesome this year and of course we Hawkeyes dominated! We spent the weekend with friends on both sides of the coin and enjoyed catching up with everyone in town for the big game.