Monday, July 27, 2015


I joined in for my annual 1 day tag along day on RAGBRAI and as usual it was a blast! As my sister says, and I agree, it is one of the best things about Iowa. Everyone who rides it gains an appreciation of the beauty of our state and how much fun it is to participate in this crazy event. Thursday night we had about 20 or so people at our house overnight to catch Friday's route from near our house. We rode through Sutliff and Solon and tackled the hills (killer!) of Sugar Bottom rode. Watermelon, lots of beer stops and random snacks fueled us along the way. Can't wait til next year! 

Friday, July 17, 2015

Dining with a Toddler

Me last evening: 
"Ruthie! Guess what's for supper?!"

Ruthie: whaaat? (furrowed brow)

Me: Spaghetti!!! (her always favorite) 


Me: Well ok, how about pasta or noodles instead?

Ruthie: Yes! I wuv pastahh!

Cut to:

Monday, July 13, 2015

Paddling with Reene

Mom (whose adventure alter-ego is named Reene) talked me into doing something with her this past weekend that she's been wanting to do for awhile. It is a yearly event called Project Aware and it is basically a 5 day long trip in which like-minded Iowans camp and canoe along a river picking up trash along the way. It is a river clean-up project and this year focused on cleaning up the Wapsipinicon River.
Mom and I tagged along for an overnight of camping and 1 day of canoeing/clean up. We had a great time and any time I can spend with my mama is time well spent. Bonus is if it is time spent in and with nature. She has influenced me the most to be a nature/outdoor/get dirty and care for the earth lover. 

We could not believe the trash we found along the river and what people were finding and piling in their canoes! Canoes were piled high with huge tires, pieces of scrap metal, dumpsters!, car parts, wire, random funny things, barrels, and bags and bags and bags of trash and recycling. Mom and I contributed a couple bags of trash, a big rusty metal rim that we cut out of tree roots from the side of a dirt bank, a baseball and a hunters arrow. We found ourselves cramming our canoe in between dams of brush and branches to reach cans and bottles and styrofoam. We got dirty and enjoyed a beautiful canoe ride while we were at it. Other fun things we did in our down time were nature weaving and exploring a fen which was fascinating! 

Overall a great experience we are glad we tried. We were sore and tired by the end of the day but these beautiful watersheds in our state are sure worth cleaning up.

who knew a fen was so cool?cute Reene among wildflowers, where she belongs
tent camping! 
sleeping on cots! 
stopping to hunt for trash
dirty legs! 

the pretty Wapsipinicon River 

how cute is my mama? can you believe she is 65 and has this much energy for life?

Monday, July 6, 2015

The Potty Training Diaries

There was no time like the present and we had put it off long enough- she was ready even though we were dreading was time to tackle potty training this last weekend! It was a good time to do it because I would have 4 full days at home with Ruthie for training, day 5 (today) we're calling in help from Grandma and keeping her home from daycare and I'll be home tomorrow for day 6. Then she's off to the real world Wednesday at daycare.

I've read my fair share about different methods and we went for the full immersion no turning back reward system...and it worked! I am ecstatic at how well she did and though it was a very long and tiring process (still is) I think we can call it a total success! First off we got suuuper excited about going to the store to pick out panties (Disney princesses, hello kitty and princess Sophia were her picks) then we picked out special treats (m&m's, skittles, and teddy grahams) and talked a lot about going potty, potty, potty.

Thursday morning we said bye-bye to the diaper and pulled on her new undies. Every 30 mins we tried to go and when there was success (even a little) we had a dance party, sang a song, got to flush the potty (her favorite part), washed hands, got a treat and sticker for her sticker chart above. When she got enough stickers for going potty we talked about going and getting ice cream with Mommy and Daddy- really building this up as a major goal to accomplish and work towards- she bought was I was selling (thank God) because let's be honest it could have gone completely the other way and been a disaster knowing her feisty little self. But what I've realized is that her attitude is 80% what mine is so I was faking it til we were making it. She peed probably 20 times the first day (thanks to pushing 'special' drinks of watered down chocolate milk, flavored waters, etc.) which gave us a plethora of opportunities for success. She even half pooped on the potty because luckily we were right next to it when she needed to go right then and I shoved her on it. She only had one major pee accident and then rest were just 'uh oh I have to go' realizations when a little would start to come out and then we'd run to the potty to finish. Then we repeated for the next 3 days. We're at the point now where that isn't even happening anymore and she's telling us when she needs to go and running in there. Poop is another story- we're still working on that due to lack of opportunity (I hope she's not holding it?) - and we are still doing a diaper at nap time and bed time. I've been very surprised that since we've started there has hardly been anything in the diaper after nap or bed and she's going a lot right away after waking- that has been a pleasant surprise!  

As for me, I'm exhausted but so proud of her and myself- I really think I set her up for success by having a plan and hanging in there. I honestly couldn't wait for nap time and bed time to come so I could get a break, it really was constant work to monitor her and keep her (us) happy throughout the process. But like most things 

*I am mostly saying 'I' because while Mike has helped a little with the process- the majority has fallen on my shoulders and he'll admit that, too. He can make up for it next weekend when I leave him for a day and half on his own :) 

day 1: showing off our panties!  

sending success selfies to daddy and the grandmas!

waiting, waiting, there it is! 
first sticker chart complete = ice cream treat! 

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

H20 update

We have had a breakthrough on the water front folks! Thank God phases are just that and there was an end to this last one. We're back and loving all of the water this summer! We have yet to make it to the actual swimming pool but hopefully it won't be too long.