Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Ruthie- 2.75 yrs

Ahhh the toddler days continue and we continue to have our many ups and several downs. The emotional roller coaster of a toddler is a fascinating case study. These days Ruthie is still happy to sit and do a puzzle (24 piece are easy, 48 piece is the current sweet spot at challenging enough but not requiring too much help) and she is also becoming the cutest little story teller. "Once upon a time there was a (fill in the blank of something in her immediate vision) etc. etc." But she still throws tantrums for ridiculous reasons. Sometimes you have to laugh. Or cry. 

the spoon or bowl she is presented with at dinner isn't the one she wanted
she didn't get to go first when entering a room
Xena is in her spot
she wanted to wear sandals in the snow, not boots
she didn't want to wear socks or shoes or pants that day 
she didn't want something to drink with dinner (my bad) 
I scootched the chair in too far
she wanted to ride in the other car

Sigh. This too shall pass. 

Moving on! Ruthie is such a performer! My favorite story of late is when I took her to a donut shop in town to meet a friend, I let her pick out whatever donut she wanted and she chose the pink frosted 'Homer'. The sugar hit her veins within minutes and she was her usual crazy but times 1000. She proceeded to strut to the front door and loudly announce to the whole shop that this was her stage and nobody can come up here. Then she sang 'Twinkle Twinkle' at the top of her lungs as patrons gathered, workers took video and she received a rousing round of applause. I can't make this up.  

Also the memory this child has is remarkable! I am constantly astonished at what she remembers from weeks or months ago that randomly pop up in our conversations. (like last summer when one time the neighbor let her use her broom to help sweep the sidewalk) ???

The holidays were awesome as usual this year. From the first time I asked her what she wanted to be for Halloween she came up with a 'dancing strawberry' and stuck with that idea throughout- never changing her mind. To this day we have no idea where that came from but it sure turned out cute! 

Thanksgiving this year was especially awesome as we took the whole week to spend in Colorado at a little cabin in Estes Park. We had the most beautiful snow storm, we hiked, we cooked, we enjoyed cozy chats by the fire and were quite entertained by a family talent show. Ruthie was so happy to play with her cousins that she paid me no mind whatsoever for the entire week and it was glorious! 

and now we're at Christmas! This is the first time that Ruthie 'gets' Christmas and the anticipation of Santa, Jesus' birthday and of course presents and lots of time with family! It has been so fun to decorate and talk about Christmas which in our house includes both Jesus and the Bethlehem story AND Santa, our Elf on the Shelf- Willy and of course a family favorite- Rudolph! We have so many fun Christmas books and Ruthie has been singing Christmas carols in her very own special way (see videos on my YouTube channel) gosh I love everything about this season, now even more with her!

oh and one more cute thing Ruthie is saying these days... "I want a girl baby" to which we don't quite have an answer but will in June 2016!