I successfully rode 65 miles last Friday on RAGBRAI from North Liberty to Tipton! Yea, me! Also a major shout out to my sister Jessie and her husband Chris (they did 3 whole days) and my mom, Lorene, who joined for the Friday ride, too. We had a great time- it was exhausting but so much fun to stop at all the small towns and road-side stands and to see all the crazy teams and variety of people who participate. Viewing the Iowa landscape by bike was a whole new experience and we got a chance to visit some towns that otherwise might never have crossed my mind to see. Towards the end of Friday and definitely Saturday morning my booty and quads were crying but the satisfaction of the accomplishment was so worth it!

Enjoying a local cider beer near historic Sutliff, IA

damn this hill- but we made it eventually!

the town of Mechanicsville had an authentic Cajun shrimp boil- enjoyed with a couple cold beers of course! yum yum

Mom & Chris enjoy sauerkraut in Lisbon- home of the upcoming Sauerkraut Festival :)

Jessie & Chris cooled off by slip 'n sliding down a gigantic hill in some one's yard on the final stretch to Tipton

Celebrating in Tipton- WE MADE IT!
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