Thursday, April 7, 2011

#7 DONE!

1 month of meatlessness done! Technically, as Jessie pointed out, I did a month of a "pescatarian diet" because I allowed myself seafood but in my mind that is as vegetarian as it is going to get for me and I'm very proud of myself for completing this one! I'm still debating whether to try to go all the way to Easter so we'll see how it goes.

What I learned:
 -it was hard, but not as hard as I thought
 -it takes a lot of planning
 -a meatless diet does not automatically help one drop lbs like I thought it might
 -that I am inspired to incorporate a least a few meatless meals into our/my diet each week
 -it would be easier in the peak of summertime (seasonal veggies from my garden & farmer's market)

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