Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Summer Happenings of Late

Last Thursday night the whole fam met at J & Em's to gather for one last get together at their Cedar Rapids house before they move to Cedar Falls, we celebrated and reminisced on all the good times at 520. I did my fair share of babysitting up there over the past 10 years and really have loved getting to watch those kiddos grow from tiny babies to the awesome kids they are now. I know it's only an hour further but we sure will miss having them in our same city! :(

Friday was a blue moon and Mom and I ventured on a hike to learn about moon lore and explore the Indian Creek Nature Center grounds and trails. As usual we find something to laugh about together :)

Saturday we had a company picnic in the later afternoon so Ruthie and I had a fun Saturday of goofing off together while Mike helped J & Em load up the moving truck- he busted out all his old moving man skills.

For some reason, sometimes I come up with random rules for Ruthie and later on wonder why I ever made that rule? Example: when playing water table she could only put 1 foot in the water. Well, I thought to myself...why? So new rule- do what you want in the water table and have fun! It's so much easier!

Then I thought it would be funny to see if Ruthie could fit in a suitcase...
she can and it was! 

Sunday we went boating on the Res. It was especially fun to have Meleah, Luke and Lila along. Ruthie loved driving the boat with Grandpa T-Bone (mostly honking the horn) and both girls spent a good chunk of time jumping off the back into our arms and on a neigbors tube. 

Yesterday Ruthie and I spent a good 2 hours at a nearby park playing and picnicking. 
We both love a good picnic lunch! 

These are the days of great summer memories! 

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