Isn't is annoying how everyone talks about how fast time flies, etc, etc? Well indulge me please, ye 5 readers, as here I am about to do it, too....cause it is so ridiculously true! It in the blink of an eye I have a 2 year old and am filled with memories of her birth, already 2 years ago. My water 'broke' Monday evening on 3/25/13, I labored for 24ish hours then fought through 3 hours of pushing to be followed by c-section, to be followed by 3 days in the NICU and then finally released home the day before Easter. It seems a bit traumatic to probably anyone else but amazingly enough it feels like the most beautiful birth story ever to me because it's hers, ours.
It seems like a blur and I'm so glad I wrote it down in a journal cause like many other memories, poof, they can be gone in an instant and I love going back and reading through my emotions of those hours....
Last year on the night before Ruthie's first birthday I wrote her a letter with the hopes that one day in the long off future she'd read it when she needed to know how much I love her. I wrote her another letter last night and just like last year I crept into her room before I went to bed, listened to her peaceful breathing as she slept and cried and prayed over her past, present and future self. I'm so excited to get to watch and help her grow up but can't she stay little for just a little longer?