Monday, March 16, 2015

Daddy's Girl Weekend

I wouldn't necessarily classify Ruthie as a 'Daddy's Girl' all the time but this weekend she had no choice as I ditched her with him from Friday afternoon until Saturday evening. I was off to Des Moines to meet up with our core Wellnitz family of 5 to spend time with Jessie who was in town for her last day at Meredith! We had a blast with good conversation galore and some especially delicious food that imprinted itself on my memory it was so good!

Ruthie and Mike had a great time together and I was relieved to hear that he was exhausted, which is always gratifying to a mama to hear that from someone else- like ok, see, it really IS hard! I got some cute picture updates from Mike throughout the weekend and my favorite story was when he took her through the car wash and she got scared, he reached back and she held on to his finger for comfort. Be still my heart! 

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