Friday, March 6, 2015

Cheap Entertainment

This week I decided we are getting out of the house! So much cabin fever has descended upon us, it was time. 

Rockwell Collins sponsored a free day at the Children's Museum last Saturday so we partook. It was busy and crowded cause, well, free! But Mike and I both thought it was an awesome place and Ruthie was surely entertained. My favorite was watching her play the instruments in the music room, and check out the video...ummm she's kind of good right!? 

And yesterday, I spent the best $5 ever. We headed to AirFx trampoline park to burn some energy during Toddler Time. We were joined by Ruthie's BFF Lila. Her running back and forth on the giant trampoline runways was the most hilarious thing ever. And she loved building towers with the giant foam blocks in the foam pit. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

love the return of the blog!!! em