Monday, June 29, 2015

Thoughts on the past 2 weeks

It has been a remarkably hard time for myself but more so for my loved ones and their loved ones over the past few weeks. I have never seen such pain on the faces of people I love and that has been very hard. Without going into too much detail, I thought I could record my thoughts on 3 things that have become abundantly clear to me over the past weeks, and hopefully I can use this for future reflection if needed.  

1. I am overwhelmed and amazed by the RESILIENCE of those who have Jesus as their foundation in the midst of crisis and unfathomable sadness. I credit it to God alone.  

2. I have found that a foundation of religion and ritual rather than 'spirituality' has been what I fall back on when grieving. I am thankful that I have a mind that does not always need answers, I am OK with the fact that God's universe is beyond my comprehension. 

3. Blessings are everywhere. 

Monday, June 8, 2015

Cute words

I speak pretty fluent Ruthie and I just get a kick out of how cute certain words sounds as she chats up a storm these days. She has such an amazing vocabulary for just being just 2 + 2 months and we often get compliments on how well "she speaks in full sentences...that actually makes sense!"

 These are some of my fave pronunciations: 

Tootie = cookie
Tushup = push up
Pickwik = picnic
Dahhhmuh &  Dahhhmpuh = Grandma & Grandpa
Yodirt = yogurt

and a few thousand more.

And who knew that toddlers could tell jokes! This was hilarious- we were singing Patty Cake Patty Cake Bakers Man the other day and as I was starting the phrases for her to complete it went like this:

ME: Pat it and
Ruthie: row it (rolling motion with her little arms)
Me: and mark it with a
Ruthie: B!
ME: and put it in the...
Then she fell over giggling at her self and her own little funny.